6.6 Gonadotrophin responsive conditions

Gender Incongruence / Gender Dysphoria

In March 2024, NHSE published their commissioning position for puberty suppressing hormones (PSH).

PSHs are synthetic (man-made) hormones that suppress the hormones naturally produced by the body and in doing so, suppress puberty, with the aim of reducing the level of puberty-related anxiety in an individual with gender incongruence.

PSHs are not available as a routine commissioning treatment option for treatment of children and young people who have gender incongruence/dysphoria.

NHSE have concluded that there is insufficient evidence to support the safety or clinical effectiveness of PSH to make these treatments routinely available at this time.

New Restrictions on Puberty blockers

The Medicines (Gonadotrophin-Releasing Hormone Analogues) (Emergency Prohibition) (England, Wales and Scotland) Order 2024

For Angioedema (Unlicensed) - Coastal West Sussex ONLY

100 capsule
60 capsule
28 capsule
1 capsule
60 capsule
100 capsule
56 capsule
1 capsule

For Gender Dysphoria see chapter 6.8.3 Gender Incongruence

PURPLE - All other indications.

1 pre-filled disposable injection
1 pre-filled disposable injection

For Gender Dysphoria see chapter 6.8.3 Gender Incongruence

PURPLE - All other indications.

Please note: there are differences in licensed indications for each strength, review SPC for individual products for further information. For the treatment of precocious puberty only strengths 3.75mg , 11.25mg and 22.5mg are licensed for this indication. (GP’s should not be asked to prescribe 3.75mg by secondary care).

1 vial
1 pre-filled disposable injection
1 vial
1 vial